【同义词辨析】 2020-03-03 垄断monopolize-consume

monopolize: the most general term, means to possess or control completely: ~d their attention.

engross: sometimes implies getting a material control of: ~ a market by buying up available supplies; but more often it implies an unprotested monopolizing of time, attention, or interest: ~ed with a new magazine.

absorb: is often interchangeable with engross but it tends to carry a hint of submission to pressure rather than ready acceptance: grinding tasks that ~ed her efforts.

consume: implies a monopolization of one's time, interest, or attention: ~d with a desire to climb every mountain in the range.

monopolize垄断: 最通用,泛指完全拥有控制,engross全神贯注: 可以指物质占有,但更多表示自愿投入全部时间兴趣注意力,absorb全神贯注: 意思相同,但大多表示受到外部压力,而非自愿,consume消耗: 指投入全部时间兴趣注意力

记忆方法: 1)首字母想成MEAC重新排序成MACE权杖狼牙棒<==垄断     mace权杖是象征王权的棒形物,有点像拐杖,在古埃及和中国都发现过;狼牙棒是古代兵器,是十八般武器中的一种打击兵器,在纺锤的木制或铁制的锤头上,固定有很多像狼牙一样的铁钉,锤头安着长柄。在宋代使用的最普遍。

        2)垄断的意思是完全拥有控制mean to take up completely.